New Year, New What?

As we welcome a new year, we welcome all the wonderful things that come along with entering a brand new phase of new beginnings and promises.  With time to reflect and take stock of the year that has just gone by, it allows us the prospect to turn our dreams into goals and our resolutions into reality.

So … who made themselves a ‘new years’ resolution’?  

How many ‘resolutions’ did you set yourself? One? Two?  Ten?  Are you someone who creates endless to-do lists with the intention to tick these off as the year rolls on?  

Whilst the beginning of a new year signifies so much opportunity and possibility, turning our resolutions into reality is where the hard work lies.  Achieving one’s own goals is what separates the “I’m gonna” crowd with the “I did” crowd. 

How do we transform our dreams into reality?

A dream written down with a date becomes a GOAL.

A goal broken down into steps becomes a PLAN.

A plan backed by ACTION makes your dreams come true.

Did you know that the number one new years’ resolution every year is to lose weight?  Followed closely by eating healthier and promising oneself to exercise more.  These are all very achievable resolutions, however; how many people do you believe achieve these particular ‘resolutions’ or, do they just remain a ‘dream’?

Making your dreams come true

Let’s look at how we transform our dreams into reality:

Write it down

While it seems like a simple concept, writing down your ‘dreams’ then becomes the goal.  Create your goal with a (realistic) due date.  By writing your goal down with a defined end date creates accountability for yourself.  Accountability keeps us on track when we are on the path to success.

Create a plan

Now that you have your goal with a due date, what is going to take to achieve said goal?  What steps are involved?  How many steps are required to achieve it and what roadblocks may you face along the way?  Whatever the end result may be, creating your ‘plan’ will define what is required along the way.  

Aaaaaand …. ACTION!

Now it is time to create an Action Plan.  Step out the tasks required to achieve the goal in mind and break it down to steps.  Make the steps in your action plan specific, achievable and well defined with a timeline.  This will also allow for you to assess what resources may be required to achieve your goal.


The SMART goals method is a great way to support you in achieving your goals.  Following this pattern for your goal setting ensures you set yourself up for success to achieve them.

S - Specific

Make your goal specific and defined for effective planning.

M - Measurable

Define what evidence will prove you are making progress and re-evaluate as needed.

A - Attainable

Make sure you can reasonably accomplish your goal within a certain timeframe.

R - Relevant

Your goal should align with your values and long term objectives.

T - Time based

Set a realistic and achievable timeframe with an end date for task prioritisation and motivation.

Once you have created your goal with the SMART goals method, creating your action plan will be much easier with the tasks to achieve do-able.

Writing an Action Plan

Setting out your goal using the SMART goals method is effective in supporting an action plan for each defined goal.  You can make your own action plan as grand and detailed as you desire.  Using tools to support you such as Excel, Trello, Todoist, whiteboards, sticky notes and calendars can increase your success rate.

There are many methods out there to support your goal setting, you don’t have to follow the SMART goals method.  Other great techniques include WOOP (wish, outcome, obstacle, plan) goals and PACT (purposeful, actionable, continuous, trackable) goals.

What should your ‘Action Plan’ contain?

  • The goal (outcome) your plan seeks to achieve.

  • A task-by-task breakdown of each ‘action’ or task you’ll need to complete to achieve your outcome.

  • Due dates (deadlines) for each task

  • If working in a team, who is responsible for each task

You can also go the extra mile and include information such as:

  • Start / end dates

  • Potential barriers / roadblocks to achieving your outcome

  • Success metrics (how you will determine you have achieved the task / action)

  • Notes for next time

What goals will you achieve in 2023?

Download our free SMART goal & Action Plan template and use this to set yourself up for success in 2023

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The Importance of Effort
